Dr. Scott holding intraoral scanner.

The Power of Modern Dentistry Technology

Dentistry has come a long way in the past 7,000 years. Today’s modern dental technology is faster, more effective, and more comfortable than ever before. In fact, modern dentistry helps patients get the healthiest, most appealing smile ever.

Short History of Dentistry Technology

Dentistry has been around for a lot longer than most people might think. The first mention of dentistry came in 5000 BCE, when the authors of an ancient Sumerian text said that dental decay was the result of “tooth worms.” This myth persisted until the 1700s, when M. Pierre Fauchard used the most advanced technology of the time – a microscope – to refute the theory.  

Fauchard advanced dentistry and dental tech in other ways, too. He observed the connection between sugar and cavities, for example, and recommended reducing sugar intake. Fauchard borrowed and modified tools from watchmakers and jewelers. He advocated for the filling of teeth after drilling to remove cavities, and even worked on developing his own filling material.  

Dental technology advanced quickly over the next 300 years. Dentists introduced dental crowns to save badly damaged or diseased teeth, for example, dental drills to remove cavities, porcelain teeth for dentures, and even reclining dental chairs for patients’ comfort and easier access to the mouth. Chemists introduced several types of anesthesia to keep patients comfortable during long or complex dental procedures.  

Each of these technological advances helps provide patient benefits, such as better results, faster treatment, and more comfort than ever before.

Advances in Dental Imaging Technology Create More Appealing, Healthier Smiles

Some of the greatest advances have been in dental imaging. In the 1950s, dentists began using dental x-ray technology to detect cavities, gum disease, and other oral health issues.  

There are now two main types of dental x-rays:

  • Intraoral – your dentist places the film or sensor inside your mouth; the images intraoral cameras show different aspects of your teeth
  • Extraoral – the film or sensor is outside your mouth; helps your dentist see details in your jaw and skull

Types of intraoral x-rays

  • Bitewing x-rays show details of your upper and lower teeth in one area of your mouth, creating an image of the tooth from the crown visible above the gum to the bone that supports it; dentists use bite-wing x-rays to detect hard-to-find tooth decay, changes in the thickness of bone caused by gum disease, and to see beneath crowns and bridges
  • Periapical X-rays show all teeth in their entirety in one portion of either your upper or lower jaw; dentists use them to detect any unusual changes in the root and surrounding bone structures.
  • Occlusal X-rays help dentists detect issues in the roof or floor of your mouth

Types of extraoral x-rays

  • Panoramic X-rays show all your teeth on a single x-ray image
  • Tomograms show a specific area of your mouth and blurs out everything else
  • Cone beam x-rays use dental computed tomography (CT) to create three dimensional (3D) images of the teeth, jawbones, and other structures of your mouth; dentists use the technology to measure bone volume or place dental implants  
  • Digital imaging allows your dentist to store the images on a computer; your dentist can then enhance, enlarge, print, and share the image
  • Facial scanning uses optical scanners that create a 3D representation of your head and face, which can streamline your diagnosis and help your dentist create a customized treatment plan
  • Photogrammetry extracts 3D information from photographs; dentists use the information to calculate the position and orientation of multiple dental implants

Other Advanced Technologies

Advanced dental technologies available at Bonita Beach Dental include:

  • Air abrasion to remove decay from your teeth without using the old-fashioned drill
  • 3D printers that create clear aligner trays, dental implant surgical guides, and “try in” dentures
  • Professional teeth whitening
  • All-on-4 dental implants
  • Porcelain veneers

Benefits of Modern Imaging and Other Dentistry Technology

Improved results

Facial scanning, intraoral scanning, photogrammetry, and other advanced technologies help dentists provide exceptional results in as little time as possible. Using imaging for guided surgery allows dentists to place implants precisely, for example, which shortens surgery time – and shorter surgery time translates into less post-op pain and faster healing.

Improved compliance

Getting great results at your dentist requires patience and planning, as many dental procedures take time and require more than one trip to the dentist or a lot of time in the dentist’s chair. Other procedures can be uncomfortable. Modern dentistry technology helps improve outcomes, reduce the number of trips to your dentist, and make the entire experience more enjoyable.  

Facial scanning and intraoral scanning also give patients a chance to see what their smile will look like when treatment is complete, so they’ll be more likely to stick with the treatment plan. These technologies also provide an opportunity for patients to give their feedback, and participate more fully in their treatment.

Lower costs

Every time dental care involves another lab or another procedure, the price goes up – that extra cost is passed along to the patient. Technology allows dentists to keep most (if not all) of the procedure “in house” at the dentist’s office. Sedation, design, printing and milling under one roof bring costs down, and these savings are passed to the patient.  

Technology changes the way dentists work every day. It is also revolutionizing how patients experience dental care. To enjoy all the benefits of modern dentistry technology, connect with Bonita Beach Dental. Dr. Scott prides himself on being a lifelong learner who believes that patients deserve the best that dental technology has to offer.

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If you have questions, please do not hesitate to call our office at (239) 947-5858.  We would love to hear from you!

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