Implants offer a better solution for patients who...
Dental implants provide a long-term solution to replacing a single missing tooth or multiple missing teeth. With the highest success rate of all tooth replacement options, Dr. Scott meticulously designs your dental implants to be a perfect match for a natural-looking, lifelong smile.
As a sought after practitioner of All-on-4® smile restoration treatment, Dr. Scott’s expertise allows him to replace all of your upper and/or lower teeth in one day.
All-on-4® smile restoration treatment involves precision placement of four dental implants to completely support a full and permanent arch to replace all of your upper and/or lower teeth. Whether you suffer from loose dentures or broken, failing, or infected teeth, you can experience complete restoration with a full set of functional and natural-looking teeth.
If you're interested in permanently restoring your smile with dental implants, Dr. Scott would love to meet you for a complimentary consultation.
If you have questions, please do not hesitate to call our office at (239) 947-5858. We would love to hear from you!